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Couples Bootcamp

4-Week All-Inclusive Couples Bootcamp

The Couples Bootcamp is a 4-week intuitive all-inclusive total body makeover program. While it is correct that true change will require more than a 30-day dedication, this bootcamp will be designed to kick things into motion and prepare your mind and body for the true results you’re seeking; AND… we’re going to shed some pounds and look better than ever at the end of the journey. The journey we’ll be taking together!


Each session will include a plethora of exercise techniques, including but not limited to High Impact Interval Training, Low Impact Interval Training, Plyometrics, Yoga/Stretching, Cardio, Kick Boxing, and light Weightlifting. We will focus on strength and conditioning, weight loss, core tightening, and increased stamina & endurance. This program isn’t designed for someone who needs to be in shape or who has already started their fitness journey, it will be all inclusive and offer many variations to promote everyone’s ultimate success.


Not only will each session feature new workout equipment you will take home with you, but you will also be fully equipped with resources to help guide you through the week until we meet again. There will be weekly homework assignments to be completed and reported by your accountability partner (your spouse), as well as daily consultation available for insight on workout techniques, injury problems, exercise substitutions and nutrition/dieting. You will also receive 10% off all Alpha Lion products for any of your supplement or protein needs. Extra credit if you’re interested in intermittent fasting.


You’re starting this journey for our own longevity. Exercise and a proper diet is the number one way to prevent disease and health concerns. If you show up and show out, there’s no way this doesn’t propel you to the next level and give you some of those results you never thought possible.

Sign Up Today

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